Assigning a Tune To a Vehicle

When you have a modified tune file that you wish to send to the customer, the file can be uploaded to the customer’s vehicle files page.

IMPORTANT: make sure that the name of the file to be uploaded DOES NOT contain “Read-“ or “-Read”. These are reserved for customer-provided tune reads. The TDN app will not write a tune named this way to the vehicle.

1. Select Customers from the sidebar menu. The Customers page appears.

2. Click on the car icon next to the customer to which you are sending a tune. The customer’s vehicle page appears.

HIDDEN ACTIONS: If your web browser window is not very wide, you may not see the icons in the Actions column. Instead, there will be a blue plus sign on the left end of the table. Select this icon to display the remaining options.

3. In the Actions column, click the wrench icon next to the vehicle to be tuned. The tune files page appears.

4. Click the Add Tunes button.

Additional fields appear below the button.

5. Select the file to be uploaded (do one of the following):
Drag the desired file onto the Choose Tune box.
Click the Choose Tune box and then browse for the desired file.
6. Some vehicles support scrambling the vehicle OS to protect against unauthorized reads. If you want to use this feature on a supported vehicle, check the Scramble OS If Possible box.
7. If desired, add a Descriptionfor this tune. This will be displayed in the list of tunes for the vehicle.
8. Click Add.